Entry Level Coach Program
New to Coaching Netball - Entry Level Coach Program will provide coaches with the following outcomes:
- Demonstrates a good understanding of the game of netball and all rules associated with the game, including umpire protocols
- Demonstrates a good understanding od all elements of the NetballSmart Warm Up
- Demonstrates a good understanding of basic netball skills
- Demonstrates confident techniques to communicate with their team, using different feedback styles and understands the effect feedback has on the player
- Identifies coachable moments quickly and adapts activities when needed for teams and individual players
- Understand the purpose and delivery of team talks
Participants completing the Coach Program will receive upon completion:
- Primary Level Coach - Year 7&8 Coach Resource or;
- College Level Coach (Year 9&10) - NNZ 9&10 Coach Resource or;
- College Level Coach (Year 11 to 13) and Club Coach - NNZ Community Coach Resource
- Coach Mentor/Buddy for Winter Season (Framework to be discussed at week 6 session)
- Netball Wairarap Entry Leve Coach Badge
- Cost: $60 per Coach
Registrations will open at the end of February
Registration Link - https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/341604